Using participatory research approaches, Amanda seeks to support schools and organizations in evaluating systems-wide and individual variables that predict, support, and sustain implementation of evidence-based behavioral practices. Additionally, she is interested in research preparing future behavior analysts to use non-hierarchical coaching models to build meaningful, effective, and durable consultative relationships with school professionals. Ultimately, children with or likely to be identified with disabilities will benefit from her research through continuous access to evidence-based interventions in natural settings.

Peer-Reviewed Publications
A non-concurrent multiple-baseline across participants design study evaluating the effects of telehealth-delivered parent training and practice-based coaching to improve parents' use of functional communication training to reduce challenging behavior in young children with neurodevelopmental disabilities within natural home routines.
Rispoli, M. J., Richards, C. D., Borosh, A. M., Mason, R. A., & Shannon, E. N. (in press). Telehealth Caregiver Coaching in Functional Communication Training for Young Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Journal of Behavioral Education.

A systematic and methodoligical quality review of all research to-date examining the effects of special education teacher-delivered training for paraeducators to implement evidence-based practices with students with disabilities.
This study measured restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) and heart rate variability (HRV) in children with autism during low and high stimulation functional analysis conditions to identify functional subtypes of automatically-maintained RRBs. Correlations between RRBs and HRV were also evaluated.

This practitioner-focused article provides educators with strategies for including input from students with significant support needs in the functional behavior assessment and behavior intervention planning process.
This paper systematically reviewed research using self-monitoring interventions to improve on-task behavior of students with disabilities, with a focus on maintenance and generalization of on-task behavioral skills after self-monitoring was withdrawn.

Book Chapters

Chapter 5, Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices
Mason, R. A., Gregori, E., Smith, J., Austin (Borosh), A., & Crosley, H. (2022)
Chapter 5 describes research-supported methods for training and coaching teachers, paraeducators, and parents of individuals with autism to implement evidence-based practices.
Begeske, J., Shannon, E., Borosh, A. M., Zhang, J., Sulu, M., Mason, R. & Kercood, S. Exploring inclusion: Participatory action research in an elementary school.
Mason, R. A., Augustine, J. J., Borosh, A. M., Rispoli, M., J., Smith, J. E., & Wills, H. P. (manuscript in preparation) ParaImpact: Teacher-as-coach to increase paraeducator implementation fidelity of systematic instruction for students with moderate-to-severe developmental disabilities.
McCormick, C., Borosh, A. M., Mason. R. A., Crosley, H., Pesaladine, A., Kelleher, B. L., & de Maria, A. L. (manuscript in preparation). "Delivered right to your own home" Community perspectives on an at-home autism likelihood assessment.
current projects
Note: Authorship order is tentative and may change
Borosh, A. M., Augustine, J. J., Richards, C. D., Gardiner, S., Montoya, S., Miranda, D. R., & Mason, R. A. (manuscript in preparation). Pyramidal training to implement Class-wide Function Related Intervention Teams (CW-FIT) in elementary general education classrooms.

Borosh, A. M., Robinette, A., Morales, S., Payack, E., Bashiru, S., Aguilar, J. & Augustine, J. J. (in data analysis). Program evaluation of Tier I behavior supports at an intermediate elementary school: Participatory action research.
Image from Center for Organizational Excellence

Borosh, A. M., Aguilar, J., el Horr de Moraes, P., Kane, E. (in data collection). Tier I behavior interventions to decrease expectation-violating behavior during hallway transitions: A follow-up participation action research study.
Borosh, A. M., Machalicek, W., Quinn, S., & Mowery, A. (in recruitment). A Delphi study to identify core areas of knowledge and skills for early career single case researchers.
Mowery, A., Quinn, S., De Alwis, M., Haider, B., Miranda, D. R., Borosh, A. M. (manuscript in preparation). Integrating evidence-based practices for autism in Tier 1 school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports.